Tuesday 2 March 2010

Historical genre for film task.

It is 1884 and young master Filpott is meeting his friend Neville Baker at the local Tavern after a long day ploughing the field. He enters, the room is thick with smoke from the roaring fire, men drink and wenches dance [we don't have to film this, just get the sounds]. Filpott crosses the tavern and sees Neville, whose face is smeared with factory grease. Neville raises his tankard of ale in greeting.
Neville: How be the Harvest this season?
Filpott: Poor.
Neville: Aye, it's hard times.
And they stare sullenly at their glasses, take one long swig and then the world fades black.

Notes: We would add a monochrome filter to this as an effect and make the video look older.
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