Monday 8 March 2010

Prelim task filming.

On Thursday 4th of March we went to a pub to film our historical drama. I had costumes and a camera and a bike to take us there. What I hadn't researched was whether a pub would be open on a weekday morning. I thought it would be easy to film because the pub would be virtually empty of customers, so it was closed. As a last ditch attempt we went to a church around the corner (churches are good for historical setting because they're old and sort of generic). The church too was closed.

Tired and annoyed we returned to school, on the way we improvised a simple setting and story which we could act out easily with no fuss involved. We settled on a school situation, found a free room and filmed it according to the storyboard we'd already written for the historical drama. It wasn't ideal but otherwise we'd have run out of time.
Person 1 (Jonny) enters and brandishes an exam sheet. Their friend: Person 2 (me) asks them how they did in the exam, Person 1 replies that they got a B, then Person 2 smiles and declares that they got an A grade, they hold their result aloft triumphantly. Seeing that they have been beaten Person 1 makes a sour face, their rival has won. Fade to black.

I will always fade to black, mostly it's the easiest way to end the film.
The short story including the dialogue fits comfortably into 30 seconds. We still filmed it as a silent black and white film because that's what we were prepared to do in the first place. I suppose it fits into silent black and white film, while at the same time fitting into 'social drama', which basically describes stuff which happens in normal life.
On Friday I took my camcorder to the editing suite and edited the footage with iMovie which is an absolutely terrible program, Jonny wasn't there so I put up the footage as a zipped file on my hosted server. He'll make his own edit and we'll come to some consensus which aspects to include in the final edit. The illustrative shots I've included in this post are from my edit. On that same topic I still have the footage on the server so if anyone wants to remix it contact me and I'll send you the link. Btw we're still looking for copyright-free music, any ideas?
I don't know what we'll do for our main task, I have a media lesson last period so we'll agree on that then. I rather like the silent social drama, and we'll have more freedom to introduce a proper story in 2 minutes, after all that's the purpose of the main task anyway.
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