Wednesday 17 March 2010

Script for sci-fi main film task.

Our film begins with a long establishing shot of space. Our narrator speaks.
"In the year 2058 Human Civilisation developed the ability to travel among the stars".
Then we have a grand orchestral score as a hornet floats across the top of the screen [reference to beginning of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope].
"They didn't like what they found."
The hornet is hit by a lazer [reduce the damage enough to make it insignificant].

We are at 'Earth base' where the captain is recieving a distress signal, he shouts to our protagonist Nick to patch it through.We then see from behind his shoulder as a distressed person appears on the monitor [film this person as live-action].
Captain: "Private Romero, patch through the distress signal." [Captain live-action too? Bluescreen?]
Nick Romero: "Doing it now, captain."
Person on screen: "FSHHHT They came at us fast, we didn't have time to respond, we need help, anything, everything, we won't be able to hold out much longer, mayday, mayday!"
Nick: "Wait, who's attacking you, respond!"
The screen goes buzzes and goes black. There's a pause, then suddenly an alien appears [back to machinima now].
Alien: Hello species of Earth, we are the Ginkart, and we want your planet, take us to your leader. We are waiting.
The screen buzzes again and cuts out.
In the corridors of the industrial base we have an exchange between Nick Romero and his handsome young fiancé [who will be filmed in Gmod against a greenscreen background].
Nick: "Baby, I'm going to go to space"
Nick's fiancé: "I heard the news, promise me you'll be safe out there okay? I love you, and I don't want you getting hurt."
Nick: "I promise. And I love you too."
And then the titles, in true old style they appear majestically zooming out from a central point, cantered at an angle, and screaming: SPACE ADVENTURE 2: THE FIRST ENCOUNTER.
At this point we could also film a fourth scene in which Nick gets into a spaceship and it takes off. We just don't have many spaceships available... I suppose I could build one in Gmod, but that would take time, this scene is up for debate.
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