Monday 15 March 2010

Research for main task.

I should explain this post to start off with, during today's lesson Jonny voted that we try a science-fiction black and white silent machinima, I agreed. After the lesson we both met on Xbox LIVE and messed around on the Forge for about 45 minutes. We played on the maps we would use and messed around with the inbuilt filters. You must understand that this is great because it includes actually playing through video games... for educational purposes! I settled on the map Orbital and forged it with an inbuilt colour filter (that means the filter you're seeing in these screenshots was added in real-time as part of the Bungie game engine). I should probably mention here that the Orbital map is only available as part of the Mythic Map Pack 2 as included in the Multiplayer disk with Halo 3: ODST (you have no idea how much I'm enjoying this). Without further ado, here's the research:

Also I watched Metropolis last Summer, does that count?
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