Friday 26 February 2010

Fantasy genre for film tasks.

Mighty Thungrin the fierce warrior returns from his epic quest. He unloads his weapons and tells his great tale. While he describes how he slew the fearsome dragon of sirdahon his wife 'hum's and 'ha's. He declares he shall drink until he is unable to stand. His wife then turns to him and asks him if he could put out the milk *loss of dramatic tension*. He takes a swig of ale and declares he will do it that very moment, he then yawns and lies down snoring on the table.
Thungrina whispers "sleep well good husband". The next day Thungrin wakes up, goes outside bare-chested and strokes his scraggly beard while gazing at the sunrise. Then a messenger approaches him and says that last night the town three leagues away was had been cursed with a terrible black spell. The inhabitants were eating one another's brains and shuffling slowly towards the surrounding villiages. Thungrin accepts themessenger's pleas for help and turns to the camera and roars... it's

And that was what I did in my Film Editing class.
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