Saturday 20 February 2010

Various important things of note

I'm aware there are numerous things I've got to go over when I've got the time (the two days before the return to school). Things to mention: Battleship potemkin and HTML5 video. BBC website redesign? Justification for width increase. Astro Boy, XBLA, Moar internet-people on Twittr, 140 characters? Include Machinima video. This is going to be quite a heavy and disjointed post so bear with me.

Battleship Potemkin
Currently available to view on my personal blog. I tried out HTML5 video and it works fine in Google Chrome. It doesn't work in IE because Microsoft are pushing Silverlight and are always behind standards anyway. If it worked in Firefox you could watch it in full screen but it doesn't work in Firefox because I tried adding the MIME types for Ogg video to my apache server and it hasn't recognised it so I'm stuck. The reasons for my enthusiasm in hosting old russian films came out of my realisation that I paid for 1,500 Gigabytes of bandwidth and I've barely used any of it, and that I think Eisenstein's films are just great because they're easy to understand and I liek teh Communism and Lenin and Che Guevera. If you don't have Google Chrome (and you should because it's awesome) here's a direct download link. I'll probably soon dismantle that archive and rebuild it so don't count on those links after a month. I encoded those videos in ogg format because it's not encumbered by any patents. I support internet Piracy and think patents suck so it's only fitting that revolutionary cinema is shared in an open, patent-free format.
The BBC website got redesigned, here's some of the story behind that redesign, it's doubly interesting to me because I also study Graphic Design.

I increased the width of the blog, the total width is now 1,000 pixels instead of 660 (or whatever it was before, I've forgotten). I apologise to anyone with a screen resolution with less than 1,000 pixels width, I know what it's like, I had a 2nd generation 7-inch EEE PC with a 480x640 resolution. On the other hand though I have a full HD 1080x1920 resolution on my laptop and the wasted space around the edges on blogs annoys me, I suppose it annoys everyone else too and 15-inch CRT monitors give you a maximum of 1024x768 and most people have more than that anyway. This problem could be fixed with a fluid layout. I wrote some more about layouts in an earlier post.

I watched Astro Boy at the cinema and enjoyed it more than Metacritic who gave it a 53 aggregate score.
I bought, played Serious Sam HD, 'Splosion Man and Battlefield 1943 on the Xbox LIVE Arcade. I'll probably follow this up with more detail/screenshots on my personal blog.

Some fellow Sixth-Formers are starting to use Twitter, this comes after my experience at #Oxtuttle. I've also got this 140 characters book which I've finished and in the spirit of Piracy think I should probably spread to others who're interested in Social Media. I don't actually know if any of the Media Studies teachers use Twitter at all.

And if you've got down this far here's a treat, remember I said I was going to make another machinima test? Well I did, and finished editing it before the holidays. Here it is embedded for everyone who doesn't subscribe me on Twitter or YouTube:

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