Thursday 25 February 2010

Research on opening credits of at least 5 films

District 9 [IMDB link]

300 [IMDB link]

Police Academy 2: their first assignment [IMDB link]

FullMetal Alchemist: Conqueror Of Shamballa [IMDB link]

the Shawshank Redemption [IMDB link]

Jonny will do them.

Commentaries are done, well done Jonny.

Also, this is a trailer for a film featuring the musician 'Jay-Z', it was linked on the Guardian PDA Media Blog under the caption:
Not exactly the world's first grainy chiaroscuro music documentary, of course, but it should be a big hit with Jay-Z fans and media studies departments everywhere.
So I'm doing what Jack Schofield says to and publicising it, stop frowning like that, you know it's relevant!
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