Thursday 25 February 2010

Cover lesson shot-reverse shot and other things...

Find the defenition of shot-reverse shot and find an example.
Says Wikipedia:
Shot reverse shot (or shot/countershot) is a film technique wherein one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other.
Used in conversations. Our example (I'm working with Jonny) is here from YouTube, apologies if the sound is somewhat obscene. We have no sound here, and anyway if we did it would be a little rude to use it and none of us have headphones. Next we have to look at the details of the preliminary task and see where it would be appropriate to use this type of shot and why:

A continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom he/she exchange a couple of lines of dialogue.
They exhange lines of dialogue, shot reverse shot would be appropriate to use there.
We'll publish the next task as a seperate post, keeps things nice and tidy.
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