Wednesday 16 September 2009


I've spent the past few days piddling around with blog layouts (on new blog) after having bought server space and a domain and trying to get stuff to work. I have drawn up the following observations:

  • Over-use of glossy images makes a site look cheap and nasty. It's obvious but so is the rest of this list.
  • Fixed width layouts are always too small. This is because I have abnormally large resolution on my monitor and all the white space on the left and right of central columns look like a colossal waste of screen estate. Text will also look too small and images exceeding the maximum width will protrude into the sidebar like bricks through a window; shattering the perfect image and drastically lowering the credibility of the blog.
  • Flexible width layouts are unpredictable and will mess up all your careful line breaks or reduce a neat wall of text into a drawn out crawl destined to deter even the most enthusiastic readers.
  • 'Experiments in Typography' are just that: interesting experiments which we learn a great deal from but which fall a few steps from actually becoming a proper layout.
  • Simple, minimalist themes are brilliant and I love them. Some however are too simplistic and result in a sort of ugly white-blue high contrast look which probably would have been easier to read on an 8-year old CRT monitor.
This morning I recorded a short commentary about Eastenders along with captured video of one of the episodes. It doesn't look like it'll be on here for a while so here's the condensed values which Eastenders represents:
  • Big, close knit families.
  • Traditional family stereotypes.
  • Working families.
  • Frequent affairs.
  • Multiculturalism.
I'm going to try to use the DivX web player to show off this video, it should be up within the next two hours by tomorrow, if not I'll find another way of hosting videos.
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