Monday 14 September 2009


This is my first post on the new Media Studies blog. As asked I have replaced the image of George Kerr that was my earlier profile picture with an illustration I made on my proper blog. The reference to the practice of commenters to post 'First!' on any new thread may be continued in the comments here... But I doubt it somehow as this is a 'adult friendly' blog and to narrow it down even further it's a 'teacher friendly' blog.
To explain; we learn about audience theory in Media Studies, the content here is adjusted to be appropriate for it's audience (teachers and exam moderators).

In other news I watched 'Land and Freedom' by Ken Loach last night. In fact I sort of re-watched it because it's such a completely amazing film. Disregarding the huge overtones of Politick which are impossible to ignore it's a super-cool film just based on it's portrayal of the life of the revolutionaries of the POUM.

Last thing to note is that I made a Machinima with Halo 3 which was uploaded to Facebook instead of Vimeo due to Vimeo's upload rules which ban any machinima which is basically just game footage. I don't think this has gone beyond the stage of just messing around with game footage so it's on Facebook. Or it's embedded below. If you can't see it then well I'm sorry.

While you're on there feel free to check out the footage of last Tuesday's Counter-Strike match I hosted with a couple of friends. I'm hosting another one tomorrow, in which I will also spectate and capture some cool footage.
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