Monday, 30 November 2009

How are the various social classes represented in Candleford?

The social classes of the time in which Candleford was set were defined by different social parameters than they are today. Candleford does much to clarify the distinctions between classes. But it also explains the unrest which was happening at the time. Britain was making a slow shift from a feudal society to a capitalist one. The view from Candleford is very much that of the feudalistic society.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Favicons & labels

Admittedly this doesn't come under schoolwork because it wasn't actually set. I spent the last hour or so messing around with the favicons on both blogs. They're hosted on my rented server and here they are in 96x96 PNG format:

Pirate favicon. Represents my commitment to piracy. It's also a bit of fun.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Is Rupert Murdoch is the most divisive figure in the history of the UK newspaper industry?

Divisive - adjective meaning "having a quality which divides or separates".

Murdoch is a well-known figure in the UK newspaper industry, or at least he's the first person who I think of as a personality in the UK newspaper industry. His being well known is a result of his influential stance in the newspaper industry.
To give this some sense of perspective he's the owner of the Sun - the newspaper with the highest average daily readership in the UK (7,986,000). These readers are 'swing voters' and the Sun is influential over them. More on that later. Rupert Murdoch is the founder, chairman and CEO of NewsCorp: a media conglomerate with net assets of $53 billion. Rupert Murdoch's own net worth is estimated at $4 billion.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

How are women represented in Sex and the City?

I don't normally watch Sex and the City so I'm basing my entire analysis on this short clip and my own prejudices. In this clip the women discuss how all men are unfaithful and compare them to dogs "licking their balls" because "it's part of their biology". Looked at objectively this exposes women as ignorant sexists. However the TV show promotes this idea strongly in it's (mostly female) audience so it's considered normal.

Monday, 23 November 2009

How are women represented in the first 20 minutes of Atonement?

By 'women' in the first 20 minutes I'm going to use Keira Knightley's character as the main example. The girl writing the play doesn't count as she's not a woman.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Director's commentary of 'Courage'

Courage is a short film I wrote and shot in the half-term holiday. After one week of editing I posted it on Facebook. To save you the hassle of following the link I've embedded it here:

Monday, 9 November 2009

Thoughts on representation lesson and research on Vladimir Propp

We had a lesson on Media Representation, I was asked to explain Marxism to the class, I remembered that. We also had a group discussion which was fun.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Gutenberg's press

This is a post expanding upon our lesson of the 03/11/09 about the evolution of mass media. In the lesson we went through a timeline of the changes to mass media; I got Gutenberg's press. After some guessing around at historical dates I concluded that it was made sometime in the 15th Century. To the surprise of my classmates: I don't study History, nor do I study English (why would I, I speaks the language)

Media Diary

It's worth mentioning that in addition to the odd film I read the Guardian (and sometimes the Independent) about 4 times a week every week. I also check my feeds once a day, as shown by my usage statistics over the last month:

I check Twitter once a day, and occasionally play half an hour of video games.

editing on a Mac

Last-last week I had my first experience of editing on a Mac. I understand that most professional video editing and indeed most creative stuff (Photoshop, music editing) is done on Macs due to a generally held common belief that they're better at that sort of thing.
The program we used was iMovie. Originally I was confused at the lack of a timeline, and am still wondering how people edit video properly without one but we found a method of cutting/splitting/trimming clips so were able to make do. The film we turned out after 2 hours was (IMHO) pretty good with music and credits.