Wednesday 4 November 2009

Media Diary

It's worth mentioning that in addition to the odd film I read the Guardian (and sometimes the Independent) about 4 times a week every week. I also check my feeds once a day, as shown by my usage statistics over the last month:

I check Twitter once a day, and occasionally play half an hour of video games.


14:00 - 16:00 Played Halo 3 with Connor (Halo 3 doesn't really represent religion well at all, but for some unexplained reason it's played in church groups in America)

16:29 - 16:56 Listened to Revolting People Season 4 Episode 1. A radio sitcom set during the American Revolution.


14:00 - 15:00 Played Halo 3 with Jonathan (to expand on Halo's anti-religion theme: the aliens have a religious covenant who believe that exploding the universe will take them on a 'great journey'. As the player you have to stop them.)


20:00 - 21:00 Watched Question Time (did it's job of representing Nick Griffin as a racist and a fascist)


13:30 - 14:00 Watched Porridge on the BBC iPlayer (Represents prisoners as normal people who happen to find themselves in a bad situation)

14:20 - 15:00 Played Call of Duty World at War with Matthieu (make special note here that Call of Duty represents a very traditional stereotype of World War II)


19:30 - 20:30 Watched half of 'Why we fight' with Andriy

20:30 - 21:30 Played Call of Duty World at War (nazi zombies) with Andriy.


18:00 - 19:30 - Played Counter-Strike: Source with Caleb at the same time as listening to Hut 33 Series 3 Episode 4.
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