Wednesday 25 November 2009

How are women represented in Sex and the City?

I don't normally watch Sex and the City so I'm basing my entire analysis on this short clip and my own prejudices. In this clip the women discuss how all men are unfaithful and compare them to dogs "licking their balls" because "it's part of their biology". Looked at objectively this exposes women as ignorant sexists. However the TV show promotes this idea strongly in it's (mostly female) audience so it's considered normal.

In balance they also discuss the fact that women also cheat but this too is presented as normal because when one of the women points out that this attitude is hypocritical she is opposed by the 'normal' view. In this way the media text represents both points of view in a fair manner and doesn't condemn women as hypocrites.
One thing I do take issue with is the fact that their costumes represent their subservience to fashion. A lot of thought has gone into the dressing, the well dressed lady has higher status. An adherence to clothing as a sign of status objectifies women by judging them by what they wear and not what they are.
On the same theme the setting for that clip is a market where the women browse for trinkets, they place a high importance on material goods. This propagates the stereotype that all women enjoy going out shopping together.
The story also represents a limited view of women. The plot revolves around romantic affairs with men and stereotypical activites such as shopping (as evidenced above). Although it explores those specific topics in great depth it's field of representation is very shallow. It builds up an old illusion that women's thoughts are dominated by men and fashion. Of course women don't just think about these things, the media text expliots that perception of women and exaggerates it.
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