Sunday 29 November 2009

Favicons & labels

Admittedly this doesn't come under schoolwork because it wasn't actually set. I spent the last hour or so messing around with the favicons on both blogs. They're hosted on my rented server and here they are in 96x96 PNG format:

Pirate favicon. Represents my commitment to piracy. It's also a bit of fun.

Cherwell logo favicon. Different from the one actually used on the school website. I made it as a backup in case teachers don't like the pirate one.

Hammer and Sickle favicon. Used on my personal blog. It was the first thing I thought of, and I might change it later.

I forgot that I wasn't tagging any of my posts (in blogger they're called labels) so I went round organising my posts into neat categories. This makes it easier to search for them.
Lastly I added a search bar on the right.
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