Thursday 29 October 2009

script for short film

Act 1 - Our hero Currage finds himself cowering under a bridge at night, here he recounts his story.

Currage: It was the government, always the government, we never knew they could turn on their own people but they did, and they were cruel. It started with the Muslims, scared of a terrorist attack the police had them all carry ID cards with tracking devices. [Cut to footage of Nick Griffin on Question Time]. People wouldn't have it, said it was unacceptable. That's how the trouble started.

Suddenly we hear marching boots above, Currage makes frantic 'shush' gestures and turns off the torch. After the tension has died down Currage yawns, nods to the camera and says "we'd best get some sleep".

Act 2 - The next morning [Just to make it absolutely clear, show the sun rising] Currage crawls out from under the footbridge. Once he's taken a few steps a plane roars overhead [film this in the Il-2 Sturmovik engine] "Get out of the open!" he shouts and jumps to the nearest wall. The pilot in the plane radios out "Golf Tango India, nothing to report, over", he then looks up into a bright light and screams "aargh, the sun's in my eyes I can't see" and crashes into a forest.

Act 3 - Cut back to Currage walking down a path and saying "It was last week they came from house to house. Ours was searched and then demolished, I made it out through a window in time but my son might not have been so lucky. We're going to the forest, it'll be safer there".
Cut to Currage trampling through a forest, at one point he trips over something and exclaims "blasted log". He stands up and inspects what he tripped over further - it is a foot sticking out of a bush. He exclaims "by the maker what have we found?" he then looks up to see the crashed airplane and drags the body of the pilot out of the bush. The pilot is clearly dead, there is blood coming out of his mouth. Suddenly over the radio crackles the voice "short-haired teenager with grey hoodie spotted at co-ordinates 376, 892 in your sector, keep an eye out". "That could be my son" cries Currage, immediately he sets off to look for him.

Act 4 - Currage walks to the spot where his son was last seen and looks around. He is hailed by a person in a window who motions for him to come inside. Inside the building are a motley group of Anarchists and Comunists. One of them speaks out "Hail Citizen, what to you seek?". Currage speaks in a raspy, desperate voice "Have any of you seen a short-haired male teenager with a grey hoodie?". Suddenly from out of the crowd steps his son who exclaims "thank the Maker you're alive!", hugs him and the group cheers. Fade to black.
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