Monday 7 June 2010

Revision and filming

Firstly I've done the basic storyboard and some early filming for that Modern Warfare machinima I've been talking about for a long time.

Jonny kindly helped out, my second and third body actors were playing Red Dead Redemption and Gears of War respectively. By the time they'd finished their missions/levels we had finished filming. I also had trouble with Xbox LIVE regularly booting me from parties for no apparent reason, this made filming very difficult, but not impossible.
This is a frame (after encoding) of the film in progress:

Because my player is the cameraman, I can only get camera angles from where I can go. This means I can't fly around like in the Halo Theater. It also means that the cameraman and the body actor are at the same eye-height.
Jonny couldn't get the Cold-Blooded Pro perk, which means I couldn't face directly at him, in some cases I slipped and his gamertag flashed up, it'll be a challenge in editing to get rid of it.

And of course I've been doing masses of revision, I re-wrote most of my book of notes over the holidays and I'm still not keen on analysing a TV drama. Well, I'll see how it goes. I've still got one more day and it's my last exam...
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