Thursday 24 June 2010

Guest post by Matthew Springett

Matty was kind enough to write a short piece about noticing my account was left logged on. I found it in the 'draft posts' pile, here it is published with his permission:

This is a hack post... in other words you are being hacked. Thank you for your time, I will now log out... before you see me do this, even though I'm doing this long to make you see and stop me because I don't really want to post this... DAMN YOU why are you not looking and stopping me, you are a fool do you not care about your blog... still not looking I've been doing this for an age now. Soon I'm going to have to publish this because you don't seem to care, you clearly trust me too much.. LOOK UP HERE NOW... YOU'RE STILL NOT NOW COMMON GET LOOKING THE TYPING IS LOUD ENOUGH, STOP ME FROM PUBLISHING THIS PIERRE, YOUR MEDIA WORK IS AT STAKE...


I know it reads like the rantings of a sleepless maniac, it just takes a while to get used to the style. Apart from that in today's lesson we ran our main AS coursework texts through Chandler's Myth and I scribbled out a handy diagram to online video.
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