Sunday 16 May 2010

Twitter log

During production of the final task we used twitter to communicate with each other. This morning I complied the entire twitter conversation log, hopefully it'll give a small insight into how we worked together. It's also an example of flexible short-form communication being put to good use.

socialistgamer seriously this is my ownly way of contacting you. Get the presentations off Adam's account and send them to ************************* 12:37 PM Feb 10th

eluminesent1 hay pierre, I cant access adams account as Im still ill at home, if you need it unsername is ************* password is *********** 8:42 AM Feb 11th

socialistgamer No problem, Matty showed me how, thanks though. Also he's joined Piyal & Patrick for practical project. Can I go with you? 12:55 PM Feb 11th

socialistgamer Oh, and Conor didn't turn up for the presentation today, we didn't really expect him to. 12:55 PM Feb 11th

socialistgamer last tweet before the end of lunch: my idea for the practical project is to have a fantasy character in the real world + Cliches of RPGs. 12:58 PM Feb 11th

socialistgamer what's the address of your media studies blog? 7:22 AM Feb 17th

eluminesent1 11:13 AM Feb 17th

socialistgamer fyi there's only going to be about 2 people at oxtuttle, probably, no other people have said they're coming. Pass this on to @patmanu92 4:46 PM Feb 25th

socialistgamer Storyboard uploaded: also, I like Russian film: Genius. 9:45 PM Mar 2nd

eluminesent1 iv written up the 5 movie research on my blog if you want to copy it to yours 9:52 PM Mar 4th

socialistgamer Thanks, much appreciated, I'll link to it in a while. Also I'm editing teh film on iMovie :( will send you linky to uploaded fiel later. 9:34 AM Mar 5th

socialistgamer been somewhat busy. Will upload files tomorrow. Probably in the afternoon. 9:05 PM Mar 6th

socialistgamer okay, files are uploading w/ FTP. they will be up at in an hour or two. 8:18 AM Mar 7th

socialistgamer according to lutragem (YouTube) the Art room next door to the Media room has computers with Adobe Premiere Elements on them. Try it out. 7:00 PM Mar 7th

socialistgamer Free Music here! send the artists a message asking them if it's kay to use their music. They'll probably say yes. 10:06 PM Mar 9th

socialistgamer more stuff up at can you get that and the footage on your iPod for tomorrow? 8:54 PM Mar 10th

socialistgamer the music is by a guy called Joseph Carmichael, I'll try and contact him to ask if he's okay with us using it. 8:55 PM Mar 10th

socialistgamer I'm in the art room, it should be finished with exporting in 2 hours, bring your flash drive there after school export1.wmv same computer. 12:36 PM Mar 11th

socialistgamer come back to room. Stopped export. It took too long, try it next time with only single-pass encoding. 2:41 PM Mar 11th

eluminesent1 think i got the write one, looks ok, says will improve after prossessin 7:09 PM Mar 14th

socialistgamer that's great! I did my evaluation, it's up and still processing. 7:12 PM Mar 14th

socialistgamer I was just thinking about that earlier on, I do have Bungie Pro, and it can record videos but it has a one minute cap. Still useful though. 7:40 PM Mar 15th

socialistgamer and yeah go ahead and send me clips, although I'd rather record them all at once. Here's my research: 7:42 PM Mar 15th

eluminesent1 xbox? 2:44 PM Mar 15th

eluminesent1 just thought , if i file share halo vids you could then record in HD, plus do you still have bungie pro? --> render videos! 7:36 PM Mar 15th

eluminesent1 those shots look fantstic. check out my file share if your on halo: med-enter1 n 2. i forgot b/w filters, just a badly filmed test 8:27 PM Mar 15th

socialistgamer I checked Wikipedia, it says that machinima on Halo is not illegal. I'll make a post about it. Still working on that script. 6:49 AM Mar 17th

socialistgamer Did the script: 7:12 AM Mar 17th

eluminesent1 making a checklist for sat:360controller+charger, premiere pro. maybe my laptop, capture thing, sound capture, other software,anything else? 7:09 PM Mar 19th

socialistgamer that list sounds fine, I might be getting DivX Pro (up from DivX 7), if it's any good, we could encode with that when it's finished. 7:24 PM Mar 19th

socialistgamer bring your storyboard, I might have other stuff to capture when we set up capture rig too (from other games). 7:25 PM Mar 19th

socialistgamer dood, it's 11, you said you were coming this morning, I've been up for 5 hours already and I'm bored of waiting! 11:08 AM Mar 20th

eluminesent1 im busy at the moment , ill come over after lunch, see you at 12:30 11:19 AM Mar 20th

socialistgamer Blackmagic uncompressed HD codec. 5:05 PM Mar 20th

socialistgamer my laptop broke :~( and I'm backing up all the files to hard drive now. It should take 1 hour or so, might not be fixed when you get here. 9:51 AM Mar 21st

eluminesent1 oh no hope your laptop isnt too broken, afrade im busy again this morning so is one pm ish still good 10:20 AM Mar 21st

socialistgamer I've recorded 24 shots, they play but I can't edit because of laptop. Don't bother coming at 1, I'll do an analysis of Perfect Dark instead. 11:38 AM Mar 21st

eluminesent1 ok cool, i recorded avi with divx codec, looks good but premier dosent like it, could be codecs not sure. my email *********************** 12:25 PM Mar 21st

eluminesent1 premier dosent like the mjpeg codec so im convertng, may lose some quality, ill play around and see what i can do 5:12 PM Mar 22nd

eluminesent1 m4v frm imovie works but lower res. iv cut scenes added the radio, put elite etc in layers, dont have blue scn vid. hope your laptop is ok 6:39 PM Mar 22nd

socialistgamer my laptop finished backing up and 'startup repair is looking for problems'. I'll try to remember to bring in the bluescreen footage tomoro. 6:55 PM Mar 22nd

socialistgamer also, if possible get some voice-acting done tomorrow, it's one more thing to get out of the way while we can. 6:56 PM Mar 22nd

eluminesent1 iv found a tryal mjpeg codec that works so i can import the origional recordedness if necassary 9:45 PM Mar 23rd

socialistgamer I got the go-ahead from (@) GarryNewman who made Garry's Mod. I've got a draft email to Bungie and I've signed you too, should I send? 9:23 PM Mar 25th

socialistgamer this is the text of the email so far, do you have any additions? 9:24 PM Mar 25th

eluminesent1 bungie email looks good, could say were from cherell school 9:58 PM Mar 25th

eluminesent1 cherwell* 9:59 PM Mar 25th

socialistgamer Okay, make whatever changes you want on PiratePad and I'll send it tomorrow morning. Yawn. Got to sleep now, too tired to think. 10:01 PM Mar 25th

socialistgamer just sent the Bungie email. Didn't know how to include Cherwell School so left it out. Do you have space in your file share? 3:27 PM Mar 27th

eluminesent1 i have filmed and put on file share the conversation with girlfriend, i have filmed more but will put on file share after these 6:26 PM Mar 28th

eluminesent1 just noticed that on orbital on forge there are big slidy star trek doors that you can open, if we wanted doors 6:34 PM Mar 28th

socialistgamer film whatever you think is appropriate and we can make decisions on it later. I can't record your clips now, have sort of a homework crisis. 6:37 PM Mar 28th

socialistgamer just checked, you have m-girl talklong, m-hero talklong, m-entranceside and m-entrances. Can you do one OTS shot with Hero and no girl? 6:43 PM Mar 28th

eluminesent1 ah yes, ill have a look 7:17 PM Mar 28th

eluminesent1 did i need to film anthing 3:56 PM Mar 29th

socialistgamer I recorded the shots on our list, can we go to my house tomoro during media + lunch and edit them? I can't fetch my laptop during break. 9:31 PM Mar 29th

socialistgamer Bungie aren't replying fast enough to their email. I sent them this: 9:39 PM Mar 29th

socialistgamer edited clips all come out at 3:20 total. Some are too long but I don't know by how much. Tomoro we need to edit them down to 2 minutes. 6:33 PM Mar 31st

eluminesent1 ok, too long is better than too short for editing. do i need to do anything/bring anything for tomorrow? 6:46 PM Mar 31st

socialistgamer bring your pen drive, and that's it. Ben H said himself and Claire W & Claire A would be there so they can voice-act if necessary. 7:00 PM Mar 31st

socialistgamer and if possible try getting some, any sort of dramatic music. 7:00 PM Mar 31st

socialistgamer if it's not too much could you also try generating some TV noise in Adobe Premiere/After Effects? The stuff I have is a bit crap. 7:06 PM Mar 31st

socialistgamer also I checked earlier on and Bungie Pro now has 100 render minutes for sale, $10 :O they love machinima. 7:10 PM Mar 31st

eluminesent1 all cool, out of interest what kind of render quality do you get from bungie pro, would it be full hd 7:13 PM Mar 31st

socialistgamer they render 720p in wmvx format, and last time I checked it cost 5x as many render minutes. Otherwise standard definition 360p. 7:18 PM Mar 31st

socialistgamer and speaking of strange file formats, your edit exported in NSMOV, a format which I haven't seen for a long time, my old camcorder used it. 7:19 PM Mar 31st

socialistgamer Hay, sorry for not being on Gmod yesterday, was busy levelling up my character in Fable/writing blog post. I'll edit the dialog in today. 10:39 AM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer finally got round to doing some kind of editing, what do you think of this: Did I get the perspective right? 5:04 PM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer did you do some White Noise in the end? I found a way to do it here and it's rendering in glorious high-resolution. 5:38 PM Apr 2nd

eluminesent1 that girlfriend shot looks good, not certain on the talking technique yet. no i havent done the white noise yet but i can if we need it 6:31 PM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer the white noise came out okay in the end, I rendered 3 seconds of it. Was wondering if the fast running shot (reshoot6) was necessary. 6:47 PM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer actually, do you have all the footage I re-shot? 6:47 PM Apr 2nd

eluminesent1 i have reshoot(0) to 18 6:58 PM Apr 2nd

eluminesent1 i definately think we need some running, but the 3rd person may look a but artificial, cctv looking angles may work 7:00 PM Apr 2nd

eluminesent1 i cant find your steam account, ************** or **************** 7:03 PM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer ah, ************** is my steam ID I think, my username is *********, try that, if not try *******. 9:13 PM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer FYI, I will be away during the weekend. Editing will resume on Monday, pick up anything handy in preparation for then (sounds, music). 9:17 PM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer and lastly, this was done by someone in my form, if we ask them nicely they might let us use it: 9:19 PM Apr 2nd

socialistgamer I'm having trouble with the export, I suggest we render it in parts then combine them in Premiere, are you k with that? 4:26 PM Apr 7th

eluminesent1 all cool, whats up with the export? but yeah iv got premiere figured good i think! ill check out the sounds 8:09 PM Apr 7th

eluminesent1 nearly forgot, check it out: ps, wonder if we could use copygay music if we get permition 8:11 PM Apr 7th

socialistgamer that Stop-Motion sequence looks really good, I use JPEGVideo. It works for the most part. Explain 'copygay'. 9:45 AM Apr 8th

socialistgamer the export stops at around 55 seconds, it just gives up and leaves the unfinished file in the project directory. 9:47 AM Apr 8th

eluminesent1 i was trying to abriviate copywrite 9:48 AM Apr 8th

socialistgamer Editing update 02 9:48 AM Apr 8th

eluminesent1 i now have gmod 11 or 10 with an update, but have no idea how to use cameras and such 9:50 AM Apr 8th

socialistgamer you can come round now if you want, I'm free and will be going to watch Ponyo at 13:00 but you could come to that as well. 9:53 AM Apr 8th

eluminesent1 i have work to be done so maybe another time 9:57 AM Apr 8th

socialistgamer okay, no problem, how about tomoro morning? 10:00 AM Apr 8th

socialistgamer film is finished rendering, exporting and it's done, ready to see, I'll upload it to my FTP server later today. 8:17 AM Apr 10th

socialistgamer didn't get round to doing it yesterday. Here it is: 7:21 AM Apr 11th

socialistgamer actually I am free today, for editing. 9:36 AM Apr 12th

socialistgamer Final video is uploading to youtube now. Plus I had a new idea: message Bungie members on the Halo forums. 8:10 AM Apr 15th

eluminesent1 found this!: , looks good, just need to add that text to youtube somewere 9:57 AM Apr 15th

socialistgamer those content rules look mighty helpful, stick them on the blog, here's the upload: 10:29 AM Apr 15th

socialistgamer Halo Reach, limited and legendary editions were talking about it today. 4:35 PM Apr 22nd

socialistgamer How to film machinima in MW2: Hardcore, equip flashbang & hold down LB. 8:49 PM Apr 30th

socialistgamer I don't have the evaluation questions, can you please email them to me? 2:20 PM May 2nd
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