Wednesday 14 April 2010

Final task complete.

Jonny came round yesterday and went over the changes I made, he didn't like the running scene and I wasn't entirely happy with it myself so we re-shot it again with our protagonist running slower and with different camera angles (that's a temporary whiteboard in my office, ignore the writing on the top left). We saw that we might have broken the 180 degree rule during the conversation between Nick and the cosmonaut, so thought it best to add in a previous shot for no other purpose than to ease the 'flow' of the conversation and stop the audience getting all confused.

Jonny didn't like the music playing over that last conversation, I justified it because although the music isn't necessarily appropriate it's flexible enough to be used to give the scene emotional impact.
All that was left was to add in some music at the start, after this Jonny went off and found a site which has some royalty-free music. I picked two songs and after having spent ages listening to them with the film playing decided that I didn't like either of them, I left in the last piece of one song at the end. I now consider the film finished and will upload it to YouTube after I've done my evaluation because it's in that I intend to credit everyone who contributed to the film.

All that's left to go over now is to review the film and Jonny's old storyboard and the whiteboard above and some other jottings I have on loose sheets of paper and from them draw up a final complete storyboard with all the shots included.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, we changed the fonts of the film credits to make them more in-line with the whole 'black and white' genre of the film, I now also realise that I forgot to change the font of the date at the very start, I might just leave that mistake in because, as with the music, I kind of like it.
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