Thursday 8 April 2010

Editing update 02

I 'animated' the Gmod models, it took a while and I had to make a few attempts before I got the perspective right.
The timeline now looks like this:
A noise filter has been added to every individual clip, video track 5 contains an overlaid border, I've even started adding some text for the credits. I asked lutragem nicely whether we could use her music and she accepted. And I downloaded some sound effects from freesound (it was me who got them because I have an account there).

These are the file IDs, descriptions and the users who uploaded them:
16503 atmospheric sound effect. Jovica
30935 laser. aust_paul
19105 ship damaged. Jace
22862 men running. victorcensua
50725 man walking. rutgermuller
57808 WW2 British siren sound. guitarguy1985
26474 digital alarm. osivo
47252 bomb noise. nthompson
93078 rocket launch. CGEffex
I backed up the entire project onto my networked hard drive, it's 4.3 gigabytes big and contains 133 files, this is because I was encountering some problems with exporting to one file. What I want to do is to render the film in small parts and then stitch them back together in a seperate editing program. It also occured to me that the filters could be applied retrospectively, this means our editing process takes two steps: First to frame and arrange all the clips in order, apply any transitions and make any manual special effects (greenscreen, seperate tracks). Second to render those clips in small parts and apply any filters, sound effects and music.
Jonny approved all of it, and contributed some things, he might come round sometime so we can review it together and film our evaluation.

In other news the third and last reading of the Digital Economy Bill (#debill) went through parliament yesterday, my twitterfeed ('Digital Economy Bill' is trending in the UK at the moment) went into overdrive with people commenting on it as it was being debated. Today is a sad day for the internet, I will continue to fight the tyranny of copyright by distributing films for free, despite the corrupt ramblings of this uncaring capitalist government. /rant
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