Friday 5 November 2010

Representation of Islam on the internet

Revolution Muslim. Copy the following address into the browser address bar, that way you can't be tracked.

It's a fundamentalist Islamic website which has it's own quite particular representation of Islam.
EDIT 10/11/2010: I remember reading sometime last week that this site has been taken down by blogger. Perhaps the site administrators should have used BayWords instead?
^it's worth pointing out that the second result for this on Google is a thread on Stormfront. And that thread is blocked on the school internet filter because of 'violent language'.

Muslim Council of Britain

Possibly related: this weekend I went to the carnival against racism in London. There was music and dancing, George Galloway and a representative of the Muslim Council of Britain gave speeches. There were some good antifascist activists there, though they didn't have any fascists to stand against, so they came off a bit out of place.
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