Tuesday 19 January 2010

PCC editor's code of practice.

I've 'done the rounds' on my feeds for today and noticed this came up twice. It's a petition to change the PCC  editor's code of practice, here are the proposed amendments:

  1. Like-for-like placement of retractions, corrections and apologies in print and online (as standard).
  2. Original or redirected URLs for retractions, corrections & apologies online (as standard).
  3. The current Code contains no reference to headlines, and this loophole should be closed immediately.
  4. Sources to be credited unless they do not wish to be credited or require anonymity/protection.
  5. A longer and more interactive consultation period for open discussion of more fundamental issues.
Incidentally I still have the PCC code of practice in my room somewhere, not quite sure where in my room but I remember that I didn't throw it away.
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