Tuesday 8 December 2009

the 10 news values

Here in no particular order are the 10 news values:
  1. Unexpectedness - highly unpredictable events.
  2. Unambiguity - events whose implications & meanings are clear.
  3. Personalisation - events portrayed as the actions of individuals with human interest.
  4. Continuity - events that are part of a running story.
  5. Reference to elite nations - the cultural proximity of events to the audience.
  6. Reference to elite people - the media pays attention to high-profile people.
  7. Composition - this also comes under frequency, stories compete for space.
  8. Visual imperatives - events which are covered with images and have good visual cues.
  9. Negativity - bad news is good news.
  10. Logistics - whether reporters are on the ground to report an event.
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